Inner Beauty



Inner Beauty, that which we cannot see but profoundly feel.

Although we cannot see it, our inner beauty ultimately shows up on the outside. How we feel inside plays a big part in the choices that we make in life that affect our outer beauty. Negative unresolved issues surface in the form of food and substance abuse, smoking and an over consumption of alcohol. All of these things negatively impact our skin, hair and other vital organs. Until we see the whole picture and treat the mind, body and spirit as one, there will be a disconnect that cannot be mended by a quick fix or pill.

All of the Inner Beauty options that are offered at the cottage are some form of Energy healing. We are all Energy beings, the body is made up of Energy. Learning to harness that Energy and turn it into a positive force will create miracles in your life. Choose one or more than one selection and you will start to see a shift in your Energy field that will change how you think and feel on the inside. The change on the inside will translate to a change on the outside and your whole life will be made better by the process.

This won't happen overnight, some of our inner beauty places have been wounded for a lifetime and will take some work to reverse. It wasn't created overnight, and it cannot be undone that quickly either. But with persistence, a new way to think and a with positive outlook it can be changed.

No matter what your path is in life, we are all beautiful beings created to walk a path on this earth during this space in time. Look inside, nurture that part of yourself you cannot see and you will see a transformation on the outside. Peace and harmony from within have a beauty all their own that will shine forth for all to see.

"Bless the Light that shines from within and it will empower you to reach for the stars." *)


Not sure what Inner Beauty option is right for you?

Call and schedule an appointment for a n Energy Treatment.

During this appointment I will give you a sampling of all of the Energy Techniques

and I will customize a treatment plan especially for you!