The Poet’s Corner

MoonDreamer Publishing


The Book Shelf





Why do I have so much to say,
as I walk the road of this given day?
Like fireflies trapped in a mason jar,
words twinkle brightly like a shining star.

They seem to come from heaven above,
a gift to me that is sent with love.
I’ve been tasked to share them with all who seek,
the humble, the gentle, the angry, the weak.

So I write them down upon the page,
as the words are given center stage.
The message brought is freedoms song,
within your heat is where they belong.

So read them now to keep you strong,
and more will be gifted before too long.
They will help you walk your journey brave,
all the words written upon the page.

Like the shining light of the fireflies,
the words gifted to me will never die.
They come to life within my mind,
for those who seek it is power they’ll find.

They whisper to me with a quiet sound,
be it day or night I write them down.
I am the keeper of the words,
I write them down so they can be heard.

(c) Susan Kubert 2013 All Rights Reserved




Today as I check in with the present moment, I find myself standing barefoot on the kitchen floor. It feels organic as it connects me to Mother Earth on this early Sunday afternoon. It is warm today, the humidity is heavy in the air and as I walk my light cotton skirt moves effortlessly across my bare leg. Mindful kitchen chores set my thoughts to being ever grateful for the gifts I have been graced with in my life.

Late afternoon approaches dark in the sky above, as distant thunder heralds the coming of a spring storm. I gather the eggs in a basket, as the up-turned leaves on the trees prepare for rain. Cats curl up close by for safety, as I communicate to them my loving presence. In these captured moments, I want and yearn for nothing as all is perfect in my small corner of the world. Everything I will ever need is gifted to me in this single present moment in time.

The storm rolls away, and the thunder fades to a faint whisper, as the sun peaks out from behind the clouds revealing a small corner of blue in the sky. My mind settles upon the thought that I am blessed this day by nature, just being me, standing barefoot on the kitchen floor.

© Copyright 2013 Susan Kubert all rights reserved


Fellow Traveler


Fellow traveler do not despair, for I have walked the path you walk, been where you now travel, and have toiled where you now sow. When you think you are alone I am with you, as I have walked your present footsteps in my not so distant past.
Be it fear, illness, homelessness, abuse, rejection, abandonment or betrayal, I am your companion, for it is within the bonds of humanity our Energies have collided.

Whether you find yourself standing on a bridge or by the gravesides edge, when panic overrides logic and tears flow like rain you are not alone, for through the survival of self I have been delivered to you in this moment in time to guide you. This moment combines our stories so that together we may learn, grow, heal, prevail and prosper, as we once again are made whole, and become the pure vision of what we are truly meant to be.

© Copyright 2013 Susan Kubert all rights reserved


Who Are You?

 “Who are you?” is what I say
As I contemplate the day.
Who I am is what you see,
All the beauty that lives in me.

I’ve been gifted by Source,
To bloom on the vine,
Everything I will ever need,
Is already mine.

Each day a gift,
Each night a prayer,
I count my blessings
As I climb the stairs.

Thank you for life,
Thank you for love,
Thank you for letting me,
Soar like a dove.

© Susan Kubert 2011 All Rights Reserved



Time, the entity that can’t be seen, touched or felt, yet counts the footsteps of our daily journey.
Time, the intangible essence of life, is as fragile a glass yet strong enough to heal all wounds.
Time, we spend it living, loving and making memories with loved ones.
Time, a gift to share and the friend that will reunite us and bring us home again.
Time, gathers treasured moments and deposits them into our hearts.
Time, that which can never be lost for it is not ours to hold.


© Susan Kubert 2012 All Rights Reserved


The Test

It was springtime and while out shopping at the local grocer, I bought a bright yellow tulip.
Potted in a crude vessel, its stem was sturdy and its blooms healthy,
a beautiful specimen despite its humble beginnings.
I enjoyed its beauty as it took a place of prominence in the center of my small kitchen table.
Each day its color treated the eye, as it brought a sense of renewed life to all that surrounded it.
Then as if it was tired of standing, its beauty spent, it bowed its head.

With a simple kitchen spoon, I dug a hole and unceremoniously planted its bulb by the wall in the corner of my yard.
Could it survive the passing of time to bloom to its full beauty come spring?
This would be the test.

It slept deep within the ground throughout the summer and on into the bitter winter.
The intense warmth of the spring sun awakened the sleeping bud.
With all its stored up strength, it forced its way up through the encrusted earth reaching toward the sky for warmth.
As if to mock its initiative, spring snows fell cold upon its tender leaves.
The weight proved too heavy dragging the new growth back down to the earth.
Daily I watch the flower struggle.
I did not tend to its needs nor did I shelter it from the harsh realities of the fickle seasons,
for this was the test.

Fighting against nature at her cruelest is a test for all living things.
With one hand she bears you and with the other she crushes you,
as she challenges you to call upon all the makes you strong.

Yes, in all its fragile beauty the tulip passed the test,
for when the late snow melted it again stood straight and tall.
A fine example it was to me, to each day endeavor to pass the test.

(c) 2006 Susan Kubert All rights reserved


Angel Friend


On bended knee he lovingly knelt by the flower laden grave site like a reverent knight. Who’s resting place was it that he so prayerfully visited I wondered, that was nestled in the corner of the small graveyard by the roadsides edge.  As I drove by and he became part of the past, I found myself unable to erase the image of this young man who for but a few small moments had become an integral part of my present, leaving behind an imprint upon my mind.  For whom did he mourn and what painful circumstances brought him to this place in time where our paths had crossed. I know him not, yet his sorrowful energy reached out to me. As I drove by I whispered a silent prayer that the Angels would send care and comfort to him in this time of suspended grief. 

 Days passed by and although the chance encounter was for but second or two, it played in slow motion over and again inside my thoughts. This newly departed soul was now an Angel that seemed to be urging me to learn of their name.  I was drawn back to the place I had only days before driven so quickly by, only this time I pulled the car to a stop in front of the large iron gate. There were no visitors about as I entered and approached the spot where I had seen the solemn man. A small silver marker placed at the head of the site spoke of a girl born the same year as my oldest son, only twenty three physical years spent here on earth, she must now be a very special Angel indeed. Though I did not know her while she walked the earth, I feel that I have now made a new Angel friend. I paused for a moment of silence.


 “Dear Christie, though those that knew you here on earth miss your human form you are not really gone for I feel your spirit here. May your soul overflow with happiness and may you dance with the Angels for all eternity.”


In Loving Memory of Crhistie Tolosky ~ January 29,1981 – June 20, 2005

© Susan Kubert  2005 All Rights Reserved


The Anatomy of a Tear


A tear, conceived by a thought, fueled by emotion, grows deep in the womb of the soul.
Nurtured in the body’s inner core, like lava searching for escape,
it reaches toward the light that filters in from the window that is the eye.
Like the dew drop falling from the clinging vine,
it spills over the edge of the eye, and falls down upon the cheek.

Embrace the tear, for it is the only tangible proof,
that our emotions and our physical body exist as one.
The body’s confetti in times of joy,
a rain storm in times of pain and sadness.

The tear, it is your heart worn upon your sleeve,
an emotion transformed into physical form.
It shares your inner most feelings with world,
as it cleanses and frees the Energy collected,
sending it on its way to be absorbed by the body as it completes its life cycle.

 © Susan Kubert  2012 All Rights Reserved


Connected To Source

In the quiet solitude of a sunny spring morning, I sit in humble silence listening for a whisper from my Divine Source. I have created time and space for my Divine voice to grow, so that I may hear its guidance within the din of my human mind. Only the tick of the clock and the purr of the cat invade this contained place. I do not project my questioning prayers up to the heavens, but direct them down deep within my core where I know the answers truly live.

“Go out into nature,” I hear, “In the cool shade of morning where the precious song of nature and the sweet smell of the morning dew will cradle you to its bosom.” “I will not let you falter; I will not let you fail, for I have placed you in the sheltered circle of Divine protection. Shed the past and fear not the future, for it is within the seed of this present moment that you will find peace, and the answers that your searching heart yearns to gather. You are safe within this moment, and the moments to come are pregnant with joyous possibilities.That which you pray for and deeply desire, lies in the palm of your hand. Do not squeeze too tightly as you will crush its fragile shell. The days to come will be a pilgrimage, and within the vessel of human deprivation you will grow, bloom and prosper. During this sabbatical, tidy your dwelling place and purge that which no longer serves you. Spend extended time in meditation, and find peace in the arms of your sister, nature. Be at home within your being, trust and have deep abiding faith that I walk with you, laugh with you, cry with you and live each day to serve you. I will never leave you, for I live deep inside the very core of you, amid the silence of your true self. When you feel that I am not there for you, or that you cannot hear my message, it is only because you have let your hectic mind close the door that is the portal to my voice. Daily, sit in silence and listen closely and I will guide you. I love you deeply, for you are forever my most beloved creation. Go in peace and love, share your gifts and shine your light upon the waiting world.”

Today I have made a connection to that which is so Divinely sacred and I am forever changed. I am filled with gratitude as my heart feels lifted and my burdens lighter. Step by step and mile by mile I will walk the path that has now been sprinkled with the golden dust of faith. I will bless each moment, for this most treasured gift. From now into eternity I say from the bottom of my grateful heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

And so it is written, and so it shall be ever true.

 © Susan Kubert 2012 all rights reserved

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The MoonDreamer


The Artwork on the Welcome Page is a Multi-medium Painting done with Watercolors, Acrylics, Swarovski Crystals,
Jewelry Pieces, Other Found Objects, a Stamping Process and was Created by Susan Kubert.
This Artwork is Part and Parcel the Logo for MoonDreamer Publishing
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